Antara brand stroller yang ada ciri-ciri Reversible ni ialah Capella (tapi quite heavy about 7kg, plus body goyang and tak firm), Combi (tayar dia kecik sangat la macam tak matching dengan body je), Peg Perego (quite heavy jugak, harga pun sama HEAVY jugak *tsskk*) dan Graco Citilite (4.5kg je weight far yang paling ringan, kalau takde choice lain terpaksa settle for this one je la). Tak banyak pilihan untuk Reversible Stroller ni sebenarnya. Yang Stroller roda 3 ada yang Reversible jugak, tapi kurang minat sikit la dengan yang roda 3 ni...tak tahu pasal apa. Ada tak sesiapa tahu brand lain for reversible stroller ni?
Kenapa nak cari stroller Reversible? Saja
Harus berusaha lagi bagi menjayakan misi. Usaha tangga kejayaan... Till then, Adios...

hmm, betul jugak kan, so far i asik pk pasal stroller yg bole lipat menjadi kecik cos my fren beli brand Quinny tu~ tetibe skang terpk yg reversible le plak~ cehhhh, tak boleh kawan ngan akak la, terlalu byk godaan, *wink
jellyna: quinny tu yg roda 3 kan? I tgk mat salleh bnyk pakai yg roda 3. Apa kelebihannya ye? Eheheh kawan dgn awak pun sama jugak godaannya. Tak pasal2 teringin nasik lemak antarabngsa, tetiba nak beli crocs jibbitz! Hehehe
hi RW :)
i pun teringin nak suggest kat you a reversible stroller yg ringan and affordable tapi malangnya dah almost 5 tahun i tak menjenguk2 strollers hehehe. kat sini among the most favourite brand would be mamas & papas tapi the designs are typical bulky, boleh lipat2 but still heavy. i have a quinny each for my kids. senang nak bawak jalan, and that was the reason we bought it in the first place. tapi tak best sgt sbb kesian tgk budak2 tu kalau tertidur mmg tak comfy langsung.
good luck mencari, babe!
hi lol!!
Ive seen quite a few of quinny arnd lately but am on the lookout for a 4 wheelers and ringan coz hubby selalu komplen sakit bahu bila angkat the current 9kg stroller...:p and the reversible part tu just want to hv a diffrnt feature than the currnt one.
me think yang mat salleh byk pakai tu jenis jogger kot?
happy hunting!!!
me? i'm stick with my Disney & Maclaren stroller ajer lah. hihihi
jane: jogger? yg big wheels tu ke? i think i'll settle for another graco la kot. :)
hi there..
last week my fiancee and I went for lunch at Klcc..
Then we all ada singgah dkt Mothercare (dgn niat nk tgk stroller kay!) hehehe
One stroller bought our attention...tayar stroller tu siap ada bunga tayar!! Nampak sgt daddy/mummy suka bawakk stroller laju2! haaha
btw, saya terpaut pada brand Maclauren red color..
tumpang berangan jap :p
renda: i pun suka red color! tapi i tak berapa suka yg tayar bunga2 tu la..big and bulky kan!
hello babe... eh i pakai peg perego brand and yes mmg harga dia heavy sikit tapi mmg berbaloi beb! sbb i mmg mobile alot alone with baby and trust me dat brand is superb! i senang turun naik escalator(walaupun tak boleh sebenarnyer) tapi sbb tayar dia punyer pusing tu licin dan laju so i senang pusing cepat stroller tu everytime da sampai hujung escalator. mine i amik 8kg punyer but quite ok tuk i carry alone turun naik kereta(im a very small person) and cepat nak bukak or tutup menatang tu, only one swing it opens and closes like an umbrella( im very alert bila kat parking lot sbb takut terhegeh2 bukak tutup stroller tu annti ader pulak yg amik kesempatan meragut ker...) and tak la amik space sgt dlm boot kereta tu sbb rupa dia mcm payung jerk bila dah tutup.
masa beli i beli satu set ngan car seat infant tu so bila i pasang just car seat tu(reverse facing me) and kerangka stroller tu tak la nampak bulky sgt.
wa.... promote betul nampak? bukan main panjang my reply. muahahhaha...
LM : i mmg teruja nak beli peg perego ni coz shape dia very the nice! tapi mcm i ckp harga dia pun very the nice jugak. hehehe.but hubby dah warning suruh cr new stroller below 5kg coz dia kata dia dah tua tak larat angkat berat2!! eheheh.
ahahaha... tua ker? muahahah... takper u tgk dulu pre perego tu yg 5 kg punyer... very stylo also.
LM : sue i think i've found the stroller i've been wanting and hunting...tapi nak kena pegi bawak big boss suruh dia approve dulu. kalau ok..nanti i upload the pic k!
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