Yasmin Ahmad, 51 tahun. Semoga Allah akan mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh beliau....Amin.

Just about everything and anything from family, motherhood, fashion, HANDBAGSSS, food, music, travel, politics, life in this tough tough world and like i said... everything and anything!
Al Fatihah. Sungguh tak disangka. But then again, kita mampu merancang tapi Tuhan yg menentukannya. *this is note to self*
soho mama : betul..dan peringatan untuk diri ini juga..jika Allah nak menarik nyawa kita, Dia boleh melakukannya sekelip mata, di mana-mana jua...Semoga kita insaf dengan KebesaranNya.
I still am in shock and sadness. I just lost an idol whom I look up to and respected.
Ms Lime : an idol..and a person who has done a change in our local film industry..despite all the controversy.
perjuangan yasmin sudah selesai meskipun belum sempurna....
BD : ya..tapi harapnya ada lah penyambung perjuangannya yg belum sempurna tu...
you know what, her death is also big news here in Singapore. Coz her ads (commissioned by our ministry) had created a storm here & are so well remembered!
SM : True...her ads for Petronas for example are one of a kind..unique dan betul2 meninggalkan kesan mendalam (before others started to copy her style!)...She's truly one lady to be missed by many!
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