But there's so much to talk about, so much to write...tapi kenapa ni? Busy sangat ke? Takkan sampai tak boleh nak manage time. Am I that disorganized? Takde mood ke? Tired?
I am so confused now!

Just about everything and anything from family, motherhood, fashion, HANDBAGSSS, food, music, travel, politics, life in this tough tough world and like i said... everything and anything!
1 – 200 of 246 Newer› Newest»Jgn le tutup blog. I siap tag u lg sbb lama bonar senyap. Awat semua org takde mood ni.
Jgn tutup blog tau....eynda selalu usha ur blog kot2 ada update...take ur time...bila free nanti update kay...
jgn ler tutup...i selalu tunggu2 bila your new entry will come out...yang ado! but its ok, just take your time kalau takde mood ke whatever ke sbb remember? i penah feel the same too...hehehe REDAH JEK :D
yaa sist..jgn ler totop...i adore ur blog tau...info best jek di utarakan..tk merepek2 pon...nk masuk bakul sendiri etc2...continue wit it k ;-)
p/s: bru ader nk tnyer sape2 relate wit ur blog..where u going..anyting happen ker..tgk2 nk on dh :D
hmm memang kak, once you stop dah lama, memang terasa malas nak hapdet semua - i pon macam tu gak, tak caya tengok ler entry bulan 10 ni, sikit bebeno, dek kerana malas itu. tapi skang macam sikit-sikit semangat dah datang semula cam dolu-dolu. kena slow-slow.. all the best & teruskan la berblog yek
Patut la tgk u senyap je..kdg2 dulu two entries in a day :)
Same like me, if too busy then I neglect my blog and it goes without any updates for weeks and weeks! Tapi average I satu entry seminggu je. Itupun mcm susah skrg ni.
Tak kisah, nak update ke tak update itu semuanya atas masing2. Tak semestinya you tak update nanti orang tak baca kemudian2 bila u update..
Looking forward to your next entry *no pressure ahh*
betul kata kengkawan yg lain, dont stop.. u may take yr time.. have some rest ok.. but dont stop la ok..
jgn tutup. just take a break ke?
RW, I love ur blog...
Teruskan yer..
Chaiyok chaiyokk
lama nya u tak bebel..write some info la beb..miss ni..oh i know maybe u tgh mood cuti kot..take ur time..lama2 simpan sure byk idea ni..heheh
please jangan tutup..love to read ur blog;)
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i missed u sis...!!
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i missed u sis...!!
babe, just update whenu feel like update. no obligation ;) but we enjoy reading ur entries :)
Ramai dah kena "penyakit" ini. Saya pun sama. Kadang-kadang fikir nak tutup je blog ni. Bosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Sebab internet slow nak mampus!
Ramai dah kena "penyakit" ini. Saya pun sama. Kadang-kadang fikir nak tutup je blog ni. Bosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Sebab internet slow nak mampus!
Jgn tutup! i like ur blog very much.. :)
Takper, take ur time.. and blog balik ya?
Just take a rest a while tp jgn lah terus tutup.
ayu suka masuk blog u... ayu ada award tuk u.. sila ke blog ayu ya..
aku pun dah lama tak berblog.
oittt... jgn tutup rumah ni huhuuhuh... i peminat u yg paling setia... takper lama nak upadate pun takper sbb myself pun kadang2 abaikan my blog jugak and diya is older now sooo much to tell...
i get inspired by ur writings so u must continue to write ehehehe...
nope sis.keep on blogging ok =)
we missed to read ur writings ;)
nope sis.keep on blogging ok =)
we missed to read ur writings ;)
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real woman....
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